Thursday, April 14, 2011

Urban Sprawl Repair Kit.

This is a Project i discovered while i was on stumbleupon about three minutes ago, and decided it was important for others to look at. This Project is about taking the sloppy, wasteful architecture from the unsustainable mcdonald's era, and modifying it to tidy up our neighborhoods, and improve quality of life. It's incredible stuff, simple, elegant, and most of all, functional. I encourage everyone who reads this blog to share this project, and support it any way you can.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Social Media and the Shortened Thought.

I have noticed recently that from time to time, a thought will occur to me, and rather than jumping straight into a conversation with whoever is near me, i sit on it and ponder. Gradually, as i am thinking about it, i am fine-tuning the phrasing, taking it from a full-thought to a single sentence. I realized today that what i am doing is cramming my thought into the tiny bracket allowed me by the facebook, or the twitter. It feels like our culture is dominated by the sound-byte, 160 digits or less, or it doesn't matter. Leaders, for years now, even before the spread of mass media, have been trimming the average length of their sentences, so as to make tidy headlines and quotations. I Just can't help but wonder if this a step forward for the English language, streamlining it into a more effective form of communication, or if what this really means is that our language is in the decline? What are your thoughts on the matter?